Thursday, September 11, 2008

Direct Example of CNN Bias - Anderson Cooper

On September the 9th, after Barack Obama had made his nasty and infamous "lipstick on a pig" comment regarding Sarah Palin, Anderson Cooper ran a segment which covered the smear. As is CNN's typical modus operendi, they had on the "usual suspects" for their commentators - Democrat partisans like David Gergen, X, Y, Z, and almost the whole CNN crowd, who already have a very strong bias which supports Obama and leftist policies.

The first thing they did was try to downplay the event. As a matter of fact, one of the participants went so far as to say he couldn't believe it was getting any media time at all. As outrageous as that may seem, it is nothing as compared to the Anderson Cooper "Live Blog."

I went to this "Live Blog." It is, of course, moderated. I entered five(5) comments, and none made it though the moderators. But, I noticed that on the blog, some people had left multiple comments. CNN claims to be unbiased, so let's see what made it into the blog...

If you visit the blog (I also saved a copy in case they pulled it down) at, you'll see that there were 258 comments 'approved.' Notice that, throughout the entire blog, you'll be hard pressed to find a comment which doesn't support Obama. In fact, the very few I found not "glowing" about Obama were actually soft in their opposition.

Now, we all know that this presidential race, at least according to the polls, is close. And, we also know that historically, those polls have been "loaded" for the Democrats. In other words, it is typical that the Democrats lead in the polls going into the election. Even John Kerry had more than a 15 point lead at some points during the last election cycle and went on to lose by a fairly significant margin. Still, we should expect the same kind of divide that we see on newsgroups, forums, and places like YouTube - where quick research will show that people's opinions about the subject are divided mostly along partisan lines.

This means that we should expect to see the CNN blog have a far higher percentage of people who denounced the Obama smear than what actually shows up in the blog, probably higher than 50% of the posts. However, in 258 "moderated" posts, comments criticizing Obama are almost nowhere to be found.

As mentioned, I entered five(5) comments myself and not a single one made it through the moderators. So, it is impossible for CNN to claim that they received few opposing comments. And as I know from research in the blogsphere, there is absolutely no way that they did not receive other comments from people who took the 'opposing' view.

This clear and obvious bias cannot be explained away. The only way that this blog could become so biased and lopsided is that the moderators were filtering the posts to fit their ideologies - which clearly shows a pro-Obama stance.

This disgusting display of biased news reporting masquerading as 'balanced' is absolutely appalling. It's no secret the CNN is heavily biased towards a leftist ideology, but a news agency should have the responsibility of presenting a neutral, balanced point of view; or at least try to. The Anderson Cooper blog shows unequivocally that CNN's bias is both extreme and pervasive.

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