Friday, September 12, 2008

Does Obama Think?

In addition to his terrible choices of friends, Barack Obama's life is littered with lies and critical errors in judgement, including extensive drug use, which according to him to helped him 'cope' with an "identity crisis" because he was half black and half-white. If that doesn't say enough, I'll continue...

Let's talk a bit about the drug abuse. His handling of the drug issue was so completely irresponsible it's a huge embarrassment to the U.S. Senate and an affront to America itself. Aiming to avoid the "I did not inhale" criticism heaped upon the eventually impeached Bill Clinton, he irresponsibly proclaimed "I inhaled frequently" as if it were a badge of honor.

This proclamation had nothing to do with "honesty," although many of his leftist media supporters wanted to 'spin' it that way. Rather, it was political pandering at the expense of responsibility.

A standing Senator has a tremendous responsibility to serve the people of the United States - and this goes beyond voting in the Senate. A senator, because of the position itself, will be looked at as a role model to follow. These people should be the ones we look to in society for good examples, not bad ones. As such, if a once rotten apple does get elected into the senate, he should be doubly careful about how he approaches discussing the things he did which were terribly irresponsible in his life. But Obama's virtual "endorsement" of drug use was a terribly irresponsible act. The fact that he was one of the front runners for President at the time of this 'declaration' made matters even worse. It caused partisans in the media to not properly assail the comment - in effect, excusing the action.

Obama could have handled the situation in a way that would have been far more subtle and immensely more responsible. In fact, he should have decided against running for president in the first place - that kind of irresponsible behavior is certainly not something society should promote. It is possible that these drug comments alone did more effect to increase the acceptance of drug abuse than all of the educational programs designed to discourage drug abuse. Indeed, one of the commentators went so far as to say, "it clearly shows that [drug] use has become an acceptable part of our society." What kind of a message does that send?

If a Presidential candidate can be so flippant about drugs, and drug abuse creates no barrier for him to become a viable presidential candidate, and the media then lauds him, and labels a political and irresponsible disclosure as "honesty" with no condemnations - then, really what kind of a message that that send to our society?

Let's note something else for the record. This is really not about the legality or illegality of drugs, insofar as the drugs themselves. But still, we must note Barack Obama was indeed seriously breaking the law with his drug abuse - which is, in and of itself, another problem (in fact, they lock people up for less). But legality aside, far more problematic is the actual irresponsibility of the act and the method of disclosure.

The drug abuse itself shows complete lapses in judgement and demonstrate how Barack Obama deals with problems. And, continuing with such irresponsibility and downplaying the act, almost turning it into a joke or something he was proud of, takes the horrid irresponsibility to new lows. Just terrible, terrible, terrible behavior - especially from a standing U.S. Senator. As Hillary Clinton would say, "Shame on you, Barack Obama."

Well, Obama is no stranger to such poor judgement and he is also no stranger to lies and double talk. He voted against the recent troop surge in Iraq, saying it could not possibly work. But now, he readily concedes that he was completely wrong. Publicly, he claimed that NAFTA should be dissolved, and then wrote a memo to the Canadian ambassador saying that he only said that for 'public relations' reasons (can anything be more disingenuous?). He staunchly opposed the 2nd amendment, but after the Supreme Court DC vs. Heller ruling, said he supported the 2nd Amendment.

This is a guy who is a smoker and has not been able to quit. Well, what does that say about his strength of character? It might be OK for just 'anyone,' but is this the kind of person we want in our president? Is this who we want to be a role model for our society and our children? Obviously not.

Even his selection of Vice Presidential running-mate was a lousy choice. It is often said that the VP decision is the most important choice a Presidential candidate will make during their candidacy - and he probably couldn't have made a worse choice! He has the golden chance to pick Hillary Clinton and lock up a large section of the vote; such would have given him the absolute best shot at the White House, but he picks....... Joe Biden??? Huh???

This is guy who himself said that Barack Obama was not ready for the presidency (I guess Obama again proved it there). Biden is one of the most divisive and partisan people in politics, he is a foot-in-the-mouth machine, and is entrenched in the Washington establishment. Obama ripped apart his entire message of 'change' with his running-mate choice; is this the way he shows how his actions match his words?? It's laughable! Even Biden himself said that Hillary Clinton would have made a better choice of VP!

In addition to his complete lack of executive experience and being one of the newest members of the Senate, Barack Obama has been a dismal example of a person. From his extensive abuse of drugs (and, importantly, his attitude about it), to his close associations with corrupt businessmen and politicians, to his friendships with known terrorists and radical extremists, to his inability to cope with problems or make good decisions, to his lies and double talk on issues ranging from NAFTA to the 2nd amendment, Barack Obama may indeed be the least qualified and worst candidate ever to run for President in our nation's history.

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