Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama's Feathers

The old expression 'birds of a feather flock together' is forced to come to mind when we look at Obama and his very extensive pattern of negative associations.

First, Obama has a history of associating with hard-left radicals. As many of us know, 'Bomber' Bill Ayers, a member and founder of the Weathermen Organization, is a radical leftist terrorist group who bombed the Pentagon (among doing other things) and still claims "we didn't do enough." Their mission: to overthrow the constitutional republic of the USA and install a totalitarian socialism. This anti-US terrorist is a Barack Obama's "friend."

How do we know he is a Obama's "friend?" Because Obama said so, directly! Obama refers to Ayers as his "friend." He knows Ayers, has spent significant time with him, even worked on legislation with him, and in fact Obama's political career was virtually launched in Bill Ayers' living room.

Now, why would 'anyone' consider someone like Bomber Bill Ayers "a friend," and/or develop such an association? Looking at Obama's own ideologies will illustrate the answer. Most of Obama's ideological positions are nearly identical to those of Bill Ayers. It is clear that Obama is sympathetic to Ayers' positions, and in fact, is a near ideologue.

But Obama keeps saying the most ridiculous thing about this association. He constantly makes statements such as: "this is something Ayers did when I was 8 years old." Implying that he himself had nothing to do with "the bombing." Obviously, that's not the issue, and Obama either misses the point entirely or he is trying to deflect criticism (with a logical fallacy nonetheless). It's not about the bombing or what Obama did 40 years ago in relation to it - it is about Obama's history and association with the person who did do it, Bill Ayers. It speaks volumes about Obama's character and background, which is exposed and shaped by such associations.

Obama has a close enough association to have worked with Ayers and to consider him a "friend." But we know Bill Ayers doesn't feel any differently today then he did 40 years ago (i.e., as he proclaimed "we didn't do enough"). So if Obama is a "friend" of his today then we are forced to ask the question why? We cannot deny the fact that their kinship in sharing core ideologies has brought them close, even enough to work on legislation together.

But Ayers is just one of many. Enter the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who Obama considered one of "the most influential people in his life." He knew Reverend Wright for more than 20 years; the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope," was inspired by the Reverend himself. He argued that he could no more "disown Reverend Wright than disown his own grandmother." This is how close their relationship had been for two decades.

Obama, who is half White, attended a "Black" church, called Trinity, for more than 10 years. This is where the Reverend gave his sermons each week. According to Obama, he attended two or so times a month. Now, as most of us already know, Reverend Wright is a racist hater of America, who's words "... NOT God Bless America... God Damn America!!! God Damn America!!!..." among other completely anti-American utterances gained him immense national attention.

Barack Obama not speak up immediately to denounce Rev. Wright when it became public, and he claims that he 'never' heard the Reverend say anything like that in 20 years. Huh? Someone who was so close and influential that he didn't even know his thoughts when everyone else did? These sermons were video taped and being sold in the halls of the church! It's astronomically unlikely that Obama wasn't aware of these things when those were the same sermons being video taped and sold. Rather, it's far more likely that ideas such as Rev. Wright greatly influenced and shaped Obama's view of America.

But, that's not all. Enter Tony Rezco, another man who Obama considers a "close friend." Rezco is now behind bars serving time for corruption. Rezco was the man who got Obama his first job, and they developed a close relationship. In fact, Rezco helped Obama buy a million dollar mansion when Obama couldn't afford it. And, they did this deal in very shady way, consistent with Rezco's way of doing business. Note that Rezco received favors from politicians though 14 million dollars in kickbacks and associated dealings; and he also had a close personal relationship and did business dealings with Obama? Obviously, something is not right here.

But, the list doesn't stop there - it goes on and on. Obama endorsed the mayor of Detroit, Kawame Kilpatrick, calling him" ". Kilpatrick is now jail for 5 years on corruption charges. And, if that isn't enough, Obama continues to affiliate with several hard-left organizations, including

Now, I could go on and on, but I think the point is clear. Obama's affiliations are an open window into his character and ideologies. They not only talk about him as a person, but they reflect upon his judgement, decisions, and motivations.

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